Which MBAs will Accept the GMAT Focus Edition in Round 2, 2023/2024

Sep 19, 2023

If you’re applying to a top business school, you’ve probably heard about the GMAT Focus Edition by now! A streamlined version of the traditional GMAT exam, the exam lasts 2 hours and 15 minutes and asks just 64 questions. 

According to the GMAC, the company responsible for creating and administering the test, it should only take 6 weeks to fully prepare for the exam. The exam became available in August 2023 and will fully replace the traditional GMAT in early 2024. 

However, that has left many candidates wondering if their target schools will accept the new version of this test. For that reason, we have compiled this quick list of key schools and whether or not they will be accepting the GMAT Focus Edition for Round 2 this year. Though there are many programs that are not on this list, we zeroed in on the most common programs clients have asked us about this year. 

Schools Accepting the GMAT Focus Edition

Here is a list of schools that will be accepting the GMAT Focus Exam for Round 2, 2023/2024. You can also submit the GRE or standard version of the GMAT. 

  • Berkeley Haas
  • Cambridge Judge
  • Chicago Booth
  • Columbia Business School
  • Cornell Johnson
  • Duke Fuqua
  • IESE
  • Kellogg
  • London Business School
  • MIT Sloan
  • Michigan Ross
  • NYU Stern
  • Oxford Saïd
  • Stanford
  • UCLA Anderson


Schools Not Accepting the GMAT Focus Edition

Here is a list of schools that will not be accepting the GMAT Focus Exam for Round 2 2023/2024. These schools are still accepting the old version of the GMAT or the GRE. 

  • Harvard Business School
  • Wharton

Get expert help to ensure your application is successful

Preparing a successful MBA application is no easy task. Deciding which exam to take – and which score to apply with – is just one of many complex decisions you’ll need to make along the way. With each decision you make, your admissions odds are undeniably impacted. 

Luckily, our team here at Ellin Lolis Consulting has just the expertise you need to ensure that you have covered all your bases and are summarizing everything in a way that grabs the adcom’s attention and accurately points to your strengths. 

If you are in need of help setting your strategy, editing your essays, filling out your application, or preparing for interviews, we offer hourly services that are ideal for those who just need to tie up loose ends on their application. You can buy 5 or 10-hour blocks that can be used for any of our consulting services, including application form review. 

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