The Duke Fuqua Interview – What to Expect + Sample Questions

Oct 2, 2024

UPDATE: This article was originally posted on October 30, 2019. It has been updated with 2023-24 information and tips below. 

With a strong focus on developing “Leaders of Consequence,” Duke Fuqua offers a highly collaborative MBA experience. With such a strong focus on community, Fuqua is at the top of the list for many professionals. 

As more and more young professionals seek careers with purpose, getting a spot at this elite business school is more challenging than ever. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Duke admissions interview to stand out. We’ve rounded up not only our best tips but have also included sample interview questions to ensure you give your Duke application your best shot. 


How the Duke Fuqua Interview Works 

As one of the most elite business schools in the world, landing an interview with Duke Fuqua is no easy task. 

Thus, if you have passed to the interview phase of the Duke application process, congratulations! This is already an exceptional achievement. 

Duke alumni interviews tend to be slightly friendlier than interviews conducted by the admissions committee. Nonetheless, the interviewer is still trying to gauge how solid your motivations for wanting to pursue an MBA are, how interested you seem in the Duke program, and whether you fit well with the program’s collaborative community.

Interviewers often ask many standard MBA interview questions, as well as questions designed to test your understanding of just what it means to be part of Team Fuqua. You can also expect numerous follow-up questions. 

Our clients who have interviewed with Duke in the past say that the interviewer was very friendly and demonstrated a genuine interest in their answers. For some clients, questions were far more personal in nature, covering topics like their childhood and family upbringing. Other clients reported their interview was strictly professional, so make sure you’re ready for anything when you interview with Duke. 

According to Duke Fuqua: 

Duke interview

NOTE: Unlike previous years where Duke has had an open-interview period, all interviews now are by invitation only. 

Who will interview you?

An admissions staff member, an alumnus/a, or an admissions fellow (a second-year MBA student) will conduct your interview. 

Will the interviewer have read my application?

No. The Duke Fuqua interview is blind, meaning the interviewer will only have access to your CV. 

How long is the Duke Fuqua interview?

30-45 minutes. 


Who is Duke Looking For?

Duke studentsSource @dukefuquabia on Instagram

“You’ll find the Fuqua Daytime MBA program is challenging and very rewarding. Acceptance is based on the ability to excel academically—and in the business community. Our students have a desire to bring out the best in others and succeed while making positive changes in the world.” Duke Fuqua Admissions 

Every year, Duke’s admissions team sorts through thousands of applications to find the perfect admits for its class of about 400 students. With a strong emphasis on diversity, teamwork and collaboration, there is no “standard” student at Duke. Surprisingly, in contrast to many US schools, the average age for the Class of 2025 was 29. The middle 80% range for admissions tests for admitted students were as follows: GMAT 670-760, GRE 306-330 combined Verbal/Quant, and Executive Assessment 146-16. 

Duke class of 2025Source: The Duke Fuqua website

Beyond the impressive statistics, though, Duke is also a highly community-driven school (think Team Fuqua!) and tends to look for a certain set of characteristics in prospective students. 

If this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll first have to prove you’ve got what it takes by successfully navigating Duke Fuqua’s interview process. 


How can you prepare for your Duke interview?

Though no interview is 100% predictable, Duke interviews do tend to center around a fairly standard list of MBA interview questions. As such, we have prepared some model questions below that previous candidates have received in their past Duke interviews. 

Trends in Recent Duke Fuqua MBA Interviews

Recent feedback from candidates interviewing at Duke Fuqua highlights several notable trends that you should consider when preparing for your interview:

Increased Focus on Personal Fit:

Duke continues to emphasize personal fit, but there’s been a noticeable shift toward asking more personal questions about upbringing, values, and motivations outside of work. Interviewers want to know who you are as a whole person, not just your professional side. 

Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making:

With Fuqua’s focus on values-driven leadership, candidates are increasingly asked about their decision-making in complex or ethically challenging situations. 

Resilience and Adaptability:

Given the current global climate, questions about resilience and adaptability are becoming more common. Be prepared to discuss how you have navigated uncertainty, made decisions with limited information, or recovered from failure.

Contribution to Team Fuqua:

Duke Fuqua highly values collaborative leadership, so expect questions that probe how you’ll contribute to their community


What questions are asked in the Duke Fuqua MBA interview? 

The questions below are drawn from our clients’ interview reports, as well as from sites like Though these are not all the potential questions you could possibly receive during your Duke interview, preparing for these (and any follow-up questions you think you might be asked) should give you a very solid foundation for your interview. 


  1. Can you walk me through your resume?
    1. Expect follow-up questions based on resume content.
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  4. What is your backup plan in case your goals aren’t achievable?
  5. Why MBA?
  6. Why Duke?
  7. Where else did you apply?
  8. How will you contribute to Fuqua?
  9. What clubs will you get involved in?
  10. Do you know what the Decency Quotient is? Have you ever faced an ethical situation in your career?
  11. What do you hope to gain from our community?  
  12. What does “Team Fuqua” mean to you?


  1. Tell me about a time that you led without being in a leadership position.
  2. Give an example of a leader you respect and explain why that leader was effective.
  3. Describe the type of leader you are. Please give me an example of your leadership in action. 
  4. Tell me about a time when one of your team members did not participate well. What did you do?
  5. Tell me about a situation where you worked with a team and there was a difference in opinion and how you helped reconcile the situation to come to a solution.
  6. Tell me about a time when you worked in a team with someone who was difficult.
  7. What would be the five attributes you look for in desired teammates?  


  1. Tell me about a time when you received negative feedback that you did not agree with. 
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  3. What is your weakest soft skill?
  4. What is your most significant accomplishment?
  5. Do you have any regrets from your professional experience? 
  6.  Give me an example of a time you resolved a conflict.
  7. How do you deal with diversity?
  8. What is a weakness that you have been working on?
  9. How do you handle failure? Can you give me an example?
  10. Tell me about a time when you demonstrated empathy.
  11. Describe a time when you made a difficult decision with limited information. 
  12. What motivates you outside of work? 


  1. You have 60 seconds to address the admissions committee. What do you want to say?
  2. Is there anything else you would like Duke to know about you? / Is there anything you wish I had asked you?
  3. Questions for me?

We have found that answering real interview questions on the spot is a much better means of preparation than reading lists of interview questions for most candidates.

We highly suggest you take a look at mock interview questions and sample interview responses before your interview

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of real interview mocks from Duke, as well as detailed guides to help you prepare for questions ranging from “Why our MBA program?” to “Tell us about a time you failed.”

The Ellin Lolis Consulting MBA Resource Center is your one-stop shop to interview success. Click to join!

Finally, just because your interview may happen on Zoom doesn’t mean you can relax and assume your non-verbal cues don’t matter. Though body language is not as apparent on camera as in person, it’s still an important aspect of the interview you want to make sure to take charge of. 

If you’re still not quite confident with your interview skills, our interview experts can help you craft your answers or prepare you for the Duke interview through mock interviews tailored to your profile. 


What to do if you get a question you weren’t prepared for

Despite your most diligent preparation, you will almost always receive a question you had not prepared. 

First, stay calm and take a deep breath. You have already made it this far in the process, and one question will not trip you up!

Second, make sure you directly answer the question the interviewer asked you. For example, if the interviewer asks you about a time you had to deal with a difficult manager, make sure to tell a story about a difficult manager and how you handled the situation. 

If you’re having trouble thinking of an answer or an example to support your answer, however, take a drink of water to give yourself a few more minutes to think. If you really can’t think of an example from your personal or professional experience, you can use a hypothetical answer about how you would act in a certain situation. 

Finally, assume that the interviewer is testing how you think on your feet and respond to questions you didn’t prepare in advance. Though your answer might not be as polished as if you’d had weeks to rehearse it, smile and confidently give your answer to show you can respond to any question they throw at you. 


Make sure you’re admitted to Duke Fuqua

Several years ago, I had the pleasure of helping a client, Phillip, put the finishing touches on his MBA admissions essays. A stellar candidate in all regards, those essays secured him interviews at all of the impressive set of elite programs he applied to! 

Phillip was overjoyed when he called me with the news but was surprised that the first words out of my mouth (after “Congratulations!” of course) were, “Well it sounds like we have a lot of practicing ahead of us.”

Though Phillip knew the statistics — at most elite MBAs, only 50% of candidates called to interview are actually admitted — he felt he’d already overcome the toughest hurdle and could relax a bit. “I’m really good with people,” he said, “so I’m just going to go in there and be myself.” 

In the end, Phillip got 5 dings and ended up having to reapply the following year. 

Practice is incredibly important. Especially when it comes to public speaking and highly-competitive selective processes. 

Our interview prep and practice service focuses on helping you determine what to highlight in your interview depending on the program while using appropriate, impact-driven language without being artificial, or worse, robotic. We also help you choose (and perfect) culturally appropriate examples based on the schools you’re interviewing for. 

Our tailored approach was critical to helping our client Manoel secure a spot at Duke with a $60k scholarship!

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Forget simulation platforms or long lists of tips – our 1:1 preparation focuses on playing to your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses to turn you into an interview expert. Hire our interview services here. Our packages sell out quickly, so make sure you sign up today!

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With our expertise and 98.9% success rate in placing our consulting clients in at least one of their target schools, we can add more value to your application than you ever thought possible.


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