The Babson MBA Interview – What to Expect + Sample Questions

Oct 28, 2023

UPDATE: This article was originally published on February 7, 2020. It has been updated with 2023/24 information and tips. 

For an increasing number of students worldwide, Babson is at the top of their business school target list.

However, with an impressive entrepreneurship track record and both 1 and 2-year programs, the competition to join Babson’s elite MBA is more difficult than ever. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Babson admissions interview to stand out. We’ve rounded up not only our best tips but have also included sample interview questions to ensure you give your Babson interview your best shot. 


How the Babson Interview works 

Making sure you shine during your Babson interview is no easy task. 

Babson interviews, since they are conducted by the admissions committee, tend to be highly personalized and based on your whole application. During the interview, the interviewer is also trying to gauge how solid your motivations for wanting to pursue an MBA are and how interested you seem in the Babson program.

Interviewers often ask many standard MBA interview questions, as well as questions designed to test just how collaborative and entrepreneurially-minded you really are. You can also expect numerous follow-up questions. 

Our clients who have interviewed with Babson in the past say that the interviewer was very friendly and demonstrated a genuine interest in their answers. Though questions do tend to focus on standard MBA interview questions, be ready for anything. 


Who will interview you?

You will interview with a member of Babson’s admissions committee.


Will the interviewer have read my application?

Yes. The interviewer will have read your entire application. 

Past reports indicate that interviewers develop specific questions based on your application, so make sure to take the time to review what you presented. 


How long will the Babson interview last?

Interviews usually last 30 minutes. 


Who is Babson looking for?

Babson students

(Photo courtesy of Babson)

“At Babson, we believe that entrepreneurship can be a powerful force within organizations of all types and sizes, in established businesses as well as new ventures. In any industry, in any position, it takes Entrepreneurial Thought & Action® to solve problems and make an impact.” Babson Admissions

Every year, Babson searches for outstanding, entrepreneurially-minded professionals to join its annual two-year, full-time MBA class. With a strong emphasis on diversity, there is no “typical” Babson student, yet the average admitted student does tend to have a 640 average GMAT score – though the GMAT/GRE requirement has been waived for the time being.


How can you prepare for your interview?

Though no interview is 100% predictable, Babson interviews do tend to center around a fairly standard list of MBA interview questions. As such, we have prepared some model questions below that previous candidates have received in their past Babson interviews. 


The questions below are drawn from our clients’ interview reports, as well as from sites like Though these are not all the potential questions you could possibly receive during your Babson interview, preparing for these (and any follow-up questions you think you might be asked) should give you a very solid foundation for your interview. 


  1. Tell me about yourself. (Expect follow-up questions)
  2. What do you do in your current job?
  3. Why did you choose your university?
  4. What was your undergraduate experience like?
  5. What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
  6. What is your plan B in case you are unable to reach these goals?
  7. Name three firms you would like to work at after your MBA.
  8. Why did you quit your previous job?
  9. Why do you want an MBA?
  10. Why now?
  11. Why Babson?
  12. What will you bring to Babson?
  13. Why did you choose the 1-year/2-year program? 
  14. What other schools have you applied to? If you get into all of them, how will you choose where to go?


  1. Tell me about a time when you didn’t get along with your team. What did you do?
  2. How do you handle conflict?
  3. What is your leadership style?


  1. Tell me an example of when things didn’t work out as you planned. 
  2. Tell me about a time when you were pushed to your limits at work.
  3. Tell me about a time you took a risk. 
  4. Tell me about a time you thought outside the box. 
  5. How would your friends describe you?
  6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  7. Tell me about a time you faced an ethical dilemma.


  1. What makes you unique?
  2. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
  3. Is there anything you wished I had asked you?
  4. Questions for me?

We have found that answering real interview questions on the spot is a much better means of preparation than reading lists of interview questions for most candidates.

We highly suggest you take a look at mock interview questions and sample interview responses before your interview

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of real interview mocks from Babson, as well as detailed guides to help you prepare for questions ranging from “Why our MBA program?” to “Tell us about a time you failed.”

The Ellin Lolis Consulting MBA Resource Center is your one-stop shop for interview success. Click to join!

If you’re still not quite confident with your interview skills, our interview experts can help you craft your answers or prepare you for the Babson interview through mock interviews tailored to your profile. 


What to do if you get a question you haven’t prepared an answer for

Despite your most diligent preparation, you will almost always receive a question you had not prepared. 

First, stay calm and take a deep breath. You have already made it this far in the process, and one question will not trip you up!

Second, make sure you directly answer the question the interviewer asked you. For example, if the interviewer asks you about a time you had to deal with a difficult manager, make sure to tell a story about a difficult manager and how you handled the situation. 

If you’re having trouble thinking of an answer or an example to support your answer, however, take a drink of water to give yourself a few more minutes to think. If you really can’t think of an example from your personal or professional experience, you can use a hypothetical answer about how you would act in a certain situation. 

Finally, assume that the interviewer is testing how you think on your feet and respond to questions you didn’t prepare in advance. Though your answer might not be as polished as if you’d had weeks to rehearse it, smile and confidently respond to show you can handle any question they throw at you. 


Secure your spot at Babson

MBA interviews eliminate up to 50% of candidates, so preparing adequately is a vitally important aspect of a successful MBA application process.

Preparing to excel in your interviews without the objective feedback and professional guidance of an MBA expert, however, isn’t easy or effective. This is why our team of MBA experts offers personalized interview preparation and personal branding help, ensuring you’re on-brand and on-message while remaining authentic to your values and who you are.

Interested in learning more about MBA interview preparation and practice or any other aspects of the MBA application process? 

Get in touch and discover how our personalized, 1:1 interview preparation can help you turn an interview into an admission. 

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With our expertise and 98.9% success rate in placing our consulting clients in at least one of their target schools, we can add more value to your application than you ever thought possible.


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